Ok, so maybe I'm going a little challenge crazy, but I couldn't resist this one:
The Read to Me Picture Book Challenge.. It's basically a no brainer given that around 7:00pm every night I'll have little man chasing me around while carrying two or three books he has to read with mom before bedtime. We're aiming high and hope to reach the "growing" level (120 picture books with child during the year). I'm really excited to get some new ideas for books we can be reading together. Here are my first few reviews from the new books we read in January.
1. The Little Engine That Could - Watty Piper - I ordered this off my favorite used book website and was so surprised to receive a pristine version with huge colorful pictures. Little man loved pointing out all the different toys and food that the train was carrying to the little kids over the mountain. I loved all the different bad attitude engines and have now designated certain attorneys I go against regularly with corresponding names. Great story. Great pictures. I would definitely recommend it.
2. Humphrey's Corner - Sally Hunter - Humprhey is an adorable elephant trying to find the perfect atmosphere for the perfect day of play. He searches the house the house for everything he needs to achieve his goal, including his beloved stuffed animal. Humprehy is sweet, and I love any book where mama makes a cameo to bring it all together. Little man like the repetition, but the picture's weren't quite bold enough to keep his attention the entire time. This one may need to be reserved for the older crowd (meaning those beyond 19 months).
Dear Zoo - Rod Campbell - This is one I may have to buy an extra copy of to bring out when the first one just can't handle anymore little hands. Dear Zoo was perfect for my little animal lover. The hiding pets gave us a great opportunity to practice the names of animals and the sounds they made. The windows kept my busy bee's attention for the entire story.
Miffy - Dick Bruna - Miffy is a book about family that is taken down to the toddler level. The way that it explains mommy and daddy's family growing is age-appropriate and adorable. The bright colors and geometric pictures were great for little man. There have been several mornings where I run to check on him and find him sitting in his chair reading Miffy. I'm excited to explore more of the Miffy series and suspect there will be plenty of other Miffy reviews by the time this challenge is over.
The Runaway Bunny - Margaret Wise Brown - Another momma story that I could read over and over. Unfortunately, little man was not very interested. The pictures in this book are beautiful, but more in an artsy kind of way than a keep my 2 year old interested way. The pictures actually were confusing for someone so little. (i.e. a bunny swimming in the lake like a fish). I did find that "acting" out some of the mommy parts kept him intrigued and entertained. This sentimental story is one that all mamas should read.
Goodnight Alfie Atkins - Gunilla Bergstrom - Alfie Atkins is amazing for several reasons. First; a bright orange book. Without even knowing why, little man can't stop himself from grabbing this one off the shelf. Second; it's laugh out loud funny. Alfie is a silly little boy (a trait that is almost exaggerated by the silliness of the illustrations) who won't let his daddy go to bed. Little man literally screamed with merriment when Alfie dropped his drink on the sheets. He giggled when Alfie had daddy get him out of bed to "pee". I laughed when Alfie discovered daddy knocked out cold from exhaustion. Read it!
7. Good Dog Carl - Alexandra Day A pure picture book. Good Dog Carl is hilarious and sweet and the entire book only has two sentences. Carl, a big rottweiler, is left in charge of baby for the day (a little weird, I know). They play, make messes, have a great time, and clean up just as mom walks back in the door. Good Dog Carl is a testament to the power that good illustrations can have on a book. Little man and I have "read" this several times and made up our own little stories about Carl and baby's adventures.